Due Diligence / Feasibility studies / Risk Assessment

Due Diligence / Feasibility studies / Risk Assessment

CVDTC’s project based track record allows it to provide high quality and timely/punctual risk assessments and due diligence on financial, technological, country specific regulatory, managerial, administrative, legal and carbon risks aspects of potential sustainable projects.

Such due diligence is part of the project documentation that CVDTC has produced for more than 150 projects since 2004. With a particularly strong local presence and experience and thorough knowledge of local framework conditions in sustainable industries including renewable energy, bio-energy, energy efficiency, and waste treatment, CVDTC is the natural choice for the performance of due diligence of energy and sustainable projects. Such due diligence normally encompasses analysis of local requirements and regulations, power purchase agreements (where applicable), stakeholder consultation and analysis , technological adequacy, performance and risk, construction risks, managerial capability, maintenance procedures, financial viability, legal compliance and risk, and emissions reduction potential and related risks.

Besides due diligence, CVDTC carries out feasibility and viability studies related to investments in sustainable industries. The studies may be at an early stage of project development or in the form of appraisals of already existing studies depending on the particular need of our clients.