Country: People's Republic of China
Period: 2014/06-2014/12
Financier/Client: Asian Development Bank
Project: TA-8109 REG: Integration of Climate Technology Financing Needs into National
Development Strategies, Plans, and Investments Priorities
To provide analysis and background information on the interaction of climate change and economic development; review the implementation of climate change policies and measures during the 12th Five Year Plan; identify the main climate change-related challenges during the 13th Five Year Plan.
Country: People's Republic of China
Period: 2011/09-2013/12
Financier/Client: Large multinational in the energy sector
Project: Management and supervision services of a GHG emissions reduction projects portfolio
To manage and implement projects through the CDM cycle and to supervise external consultants work, including due diligence process, PDD quality control, host country approval, communication with UNFCCC, monitoring and verification of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, inspections and site visits.
Country: Uganda
Period: 2012/04-2012/09
Financier/Client: Improved Cook Stoves for East Africa (ICSEA) Limited
Project: Guidelines for the commercialization of carbon credits generated by the CDM-PoA
The support consisted of the preparation of an Operational Manual for the PoA's CME providing comprehensive Certified Emissions Reductions (CER) marketing guidelines, and a Guide for CPA members (organizations supplying cook stoves) describing the process, key aspects/options of CER marketing, and support decision-making.
Country: Ethiopia
Period: 2012/05-2012/12
Financier/Client: African Bamboo PLC
Project: Formulation of a corporate strategy for the financing of internal greenhouse gas emissions abatement activities
Review the eligibility of the company's activities under existing carbon standards and methodologies, assess the GHG abatement potential and compliance with additionality requirements, provide a roadmap for the development into carbon assets including costs comparison, risks assessment, and estimate net profits from the sales of carbon credits.
Country: China
Period: 2009/11-2009/12
Financier/Client: European Community Delegation
Project: Final Evaluation of China-EU Energy and Environmental Program
To assess the achievements of the EEP, with regard to impact and sustainability of the various interventions under the different components,to identify best practices and case studies to date and to identify the shortcomings of the Programme and to draw conclusions and lessons learnt that could feed into ongoing and future planning, programming and project identification by the European Commission and the Beneficiary.
Country: China
Period: 2008/9-2009/4
Financier/Client: UK Embassy Beijing
Project: Using Chinese Programmatic CDM experience for technology transfer to Africa
Drafting and implementing a study together with China Academy of Social Sciences extracting the Chinese Programmatic CDM experience with a view to supporting Chinese technology transfer to Africa through programmatic CDM approaches.
Country: China
Period: 2008/10-2009/2
Financier/Client: UNDP/CICETE
Project: Feasibility of establishing a Global Climate Change Centre in Beijing
Providing the international expert for an analysis of existing global climate change institutes and the Chinese framework conditions for establishing an international Climate Change Centre in Beijing.
Country: Mongolia
Period: 2008/9-2010
Financier/Client: EBRD
Project: Mongolia: Renewable Energy Development Road Map in Mongolia
Providing the CDM expert for a project to promote renewable energy in Mongolia.
Country: China
Period: 2007/9
Financier/Client: UNDP / CICETE of MOFCOM
Project: Evaluation of the UNDP CDM Capacity Building Programme in China
Providing the team leader for the evaluation of the UNDP financed CDM Capacity Building Programme in China.
Country: China
Period: 2007/9-2007/10
Financier/Client: WWF
Project: Analysis of the CDM Gold Standard in China
Preparing a study on the status of the Gold Standard for CDM projects in China – the status and main barriers towards the use of this standard in CDM projects in China.
Country: China
Period: 2006/11-2007/12
Financier/Client: European Commission
Project: Study into the contribution of EU-China trade and investment to China’s sustainable development
Providing the team leader and a key expert for a study which should set the agenda for the policy dialogue between the EU and China in the field of trade and investment. Specifically preparing a case study on EU-China cooperation in the wind power sector: Opportunities and barriers. (December 2007)
Country: Sudan
Period: 2007/2-2007/5
Financier/Client: SOFRECO
Project: Feasibility assessment for an ethanol-fired power plant at a sugar factory in Sudan
Assessment of the possibility of using CDM to increase the attractiveness of the construction of an ethanol-fired power plant at a sugar factory in Sudan. Tasks include developing a data request, preparing a PIN, preparing an assessment of the profitability of the CDM component of the project, and the drafting of a roadmap for the development of the project as a CDM project. Part of a feasibility study conducted by SOFRECO.
Country: China
Period: 2006/5-2006/7
Financier/Client: European Commission
Project: Evaluation of the EC’s Small Project Facility in China
Providing the team leader and two team members for the final evaluation of the Small Project Facility programme of the EC in China.
Country: China
Period: 2006/2-2006/8
Financier/Client: Asian Development Bank
Project: Ningxia Yinchuan Integrated Ecosystem Management Project
Providing the Carbon Sequestration / Clean Development Mechanism Specialist for the above mentioned project, under a contract with ANZDEC Limited.
Country: Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine
Period: 2006/1-2006/3
Financier/Client: European Commission
Project: Preparation of Terms of Reference for “Sustainable integrated land use of the Eurasian steppes” bio diversity component under TACIS Regional Action Programme 2004
Providing the Carbon sequestration and income generation expert for the formulation of the TOR of the above-mentioned project, under a contract with FRR Limited.
Country: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Period: 2005/8-2005/12
Financier/Client: European Commission
Project: Study on Emerging Donors (BRICS countries)
Providing the team leader for a study on the development cooperation activities of emerging donors, the so-called BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).
Country: China
Period: 2005/7-2005/11
Financier/Client: NDRC-World Bank
Project: M&E Consultant for Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Progress
Providing a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) expert to advice the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of China on the establishment of an M&E system for the national Five Year plans.
Country: China
Period: 2005/4-2007/5
Financier/Client: DANIDA
Project: Development of a CDM Facility in China
Developing and implementing the Danish CDM facility in China. The Facility supports the development of CDM project documentation, with the objective of entering into GHG emission reduction transactions.
Country: China
Period: 2005/4-2005/5
Financier/Client: Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of the State Environmental Protection Administration
Project: Editing of a case study on the capture and utilization of landfill gas.
Editing of a case study on the capture and utilization of landfill gas in Anshan City, China, as part of a GEF-funded project.
Country: China and Mongolia
Period: 2005/1-2005/4
Financier/Client: European Commission
Project: Strategic Review and programming mission - Country Strategies for China and Mongolia
Providing the team leader for the review of the EC’s country strategy papers for China and Mongolia under a subcontract with Ecorys.
Country: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Period: 2004/9-2006/9
Financier/Client: European Commission
Project: Technical Assistance to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan with respect to their global climate change commitments
Providing the key expert for the development of CDM projects and for CDM capacity building for an EC-funded climate change capacity building project in 5 Central Asian countries under a subcontract with SOFRECO.
Country: (Home-based)
Period: 2004/7-date
Financier/Client: UNFCCC
Project: Roster of experts for desk reviews of CDM methodologies
Providing one of the experts on the UNFCCC roster of experts for desk reviews of CDM methodologies.
Country: China
Period: 2004/7-2004/9
Financier/Client: European Commission
Project: Mid-term evaluation of the EU-China Environmental Management Cooperation Programme
Providing the team leader for the mid-term evaluation of the EU-China Environmental Management Cooperation Programme under a subcontract with Ecorys-NEI.
Country: China
Period: 2004/5-date
Financier/Client: IOB/NCSTE
Project: Country-led Joint Evaluation of the Dutch ORET/MILIEV Programme
Providing the international member for the country-led joint evaluation of the Dutch ORET/MILIEV tied mixed credit programme for China. Evaluation team headed by NCSTE (National Commission for Science and Technology Evaluation) and IOB, the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.