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1st climate change mitigation project targeting urban areas in Sudan registered with UNFCCC

Cities are at the center of the world’s efforts to address the threat of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that urban areas account for 71 –76% of energy-related CO2 emissions, and the world’s cities produce almost half (37-49%) of all global greenhouse-gas emissions. Most urban dwellers are already exposed to the severe impacts of climate change, including flooding, drought, heat waves, and water stress (The Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance, 2014). CVDT has registered the Omdurman Landfill Municipal Solid Waste Composting Project which will abate around 47,000 tCO2e on average every year during its first 7-year operating period and contribute to create over 250 jobs mostly for women displaced from war zones. More details can be found on the UNFCCC website: