Guizhou Kaiyang Zijiang Hydropower Station Project is applying for CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) Gold Standard (GS) retroactive registration. The comments of stakeholders needs to be solicited on impact of the project on local environment, society and economy as required by the GS.
GS certification launched by the NGO, World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) recognizes and admires the CDM projects' contribution to environment integrality and sustainable development.
The project is located at the main stream of Yulianghe river in Nanlong town, Kaiyang county, Guizhou province, China.
Please refer to Brief Introduction of Guizhou Kaiyang Zijiang Hydropower Station Project for project details and Summary Environmental Impact Assessment of Guizhou Kaiyang Zijiang Hydropower Station Project for environmental impact assessment.
The consultation starts from 24 February until 7 March 2014.
Any comments about the impact of the project on local environment, society and economy can be sent to:
Ms. Jessica Guo
Tel: +86-10-84505756-8206
Fax: +86-10-84505758
You may comment on the project throughout the whole project lifetime via the below methods:
Project owner | Tel: 0851-7524268 Email: Place for continuous grievance book (to be determined at the meeting): Xinlong Village Committee Office |
GS regional office (Chian) | Tel: 15011362067 Email: |
Agenda of the meeting:
• Sign-in of the participants and opening meeting
• Site visit
• Introduction of purpose and agenda of the meeting by consultants
• Free comments by participants on the impact of the project on environment, local economy, etc.
• Discussion on ‘Continuous Input / Grievance Mechanism'
• Fill-in the questionnaires, including SD indicators scoring
• Close meeting
Guizhou Kaiyang Xinglong Hydropower Co., Ltd.
Caspervandertak Consulting
Gansu Tonghe Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.
20 February 2014
Brief Introduction of Guizhou Kaiyang Zijiang Hydropower Station Project
Zijiang hydropower station is located at the main stream of Yulianghe river in Nanlong town, Kaiyang county, Guizhou province, China. The project is a run of river hydropower station; constructed and operated by Guizhou Kaiyang Xinglong hydropower Co., Ltd. The project has created 14 jobs.
The installed capacity of the project is 12MW, consisting of 2 turbine units with each capacity of 6MW. The annual power supply is 41,250MWh. The electricity is delivered to Guizhou Provincial Power Gird which is a part of South China Power Grid. The project design mainly consists of a diversion type hydropower station with a dam, water diversion system and power house. The maximum height of the dam is 66.8m, with a length of 99.5m. The surface area of the reservoir at full capacity is about 0.52km2, and the total storage is about 8,980,000m3. The diversion system is consist of bank-tower intake, diversion tunnel, surge shaft and pressure pipe. The length of the diversion tunnel is 548.32m, and the length of the pressure pipe is 106.34m. The water returns to the river after driving the turbines, therefore forming a water reduced river reach of about 380m. The project occupies 12 Mu (8,000m2) land, of which farmland is 4 Mu (2,666m2), but the land expropriation did not result any resettlement.
The project started construction in Mar. 2008, and started full operation in Jun. 2009. Up to Jan. 31 2014, a total of 104 million kWh of electricity had been delivered to the grid.
The project activity's contributions to sustainable development are:
• Reducing the dependence on exhaustible fossil fuels for power generation;
• Reducing air pollution by replacing coal-fired power plants with clean, renewable power;
• Reducing the adverse health impacts from air pollution;
• Reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases, to combat global climate change;
• Contributing to local economic development through employment creation.
Summary Environmental Impact Assessment of Guizhou Kaiyang Zijiang Hydropower Station Project
I. Objective of the project
Zijiang hydropower station is the second stage hydropower project on Yulianghe River. The main objective of the Zijiang project is power generation, to supply power to the Kaiyang County, and promote the development of Zijiang tourist area.
II. Summary of the main impact
The main impact in the construction period are in the below aspects: (1) the vegetation may be impacted by the project construction and reservoir submergence; (2) waste water may be produced by construction and construction workers; (3) construction and transportation and some explosion may make noise; (4) dust may be made through the excavation and processing of the construction material; (5) the construction may break the land surface and bring some impact on ecosystem due to some soil losses; (6) migrant workers may bring diseases and influence people's health. These impacts may occur in the construction period, and will disappear or mitigate as the project construction finishes.
After the project starts operation, the main impacts are: (1) the reservoir submergence and the land expropriation will impact the local people and the local ecological environment; (2) the hydrology changes and sediment accumulation will impact the local ecological environment; (3) the water storage will impact the water quality; (4) the dam will obstruct the aquatic organism in up and down stream.
III. Analysis of main impact
(1) Submergence. The reservoir of Zijiang project is daily regulation type. The surface area of reservoir is small, and therefore the reservoir will impact the water temperature slightly. By analyzing the principle of the ecology, the reservoir operation may make the terrestrial organism migration. The dam will impact the aquatic organism, but will not result in a biological diversity reduction; if ecological flow can be ensured in the water reduced river reach, the ecology will be impacted slightly.
(2) Water reduced river reach. The project is a run-of river type project; the diversion channel is 654.66m. A 380m long water reduced river reach is formed. To keep ecological flow, a dam will be built on the tail water to gather the water in this segment.
(3) Water and soil loss. Waste caused by the project construction will be piled in the waste disposal area; it will bring water and soil loss impact. The project developer contracted an institute to make a water and soil conservation plan, and carried out the plan accordingly. This plan was approved by the Water Conservancy Bureau of Guizhou province.
IV. Conclusion and recommendation
The project construction is in compliance with the local industry policy. The dam and power house site selection complies with the development plan and does not affect the local scenic spot; the project operation will not affect the environment of downstream. It considers that the benefits of Zijiang hydropower construction outweighs the disadvantages, and the negative effects occurring during the construction period could be mitigated by preventive measures. From an environmental perspective, the project construction is feasible.