2005-07-28 16:33:42
IDC is awarded a contract by the European Commission for a study on emerging donors (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Caspervandertak Consulting provides the team leader for the team...
2005-07-28 04:34:40
Caspervandertak Consulting signs a contract with NDRC to provide services as M&E expert related to the Chinese five-year planning.
2005-07-26 04:35:35
Caspervandertak Consulting signs a contract for the development of CDM documentation for a large hydropower project in Hunan and the marketing of CERs, under a subcontract...
2005-07-15 04:36:01
The Website of Caspervandertak Consulting is launched. The site will offer information on our company and services. Also, information on the Danish CDM Project Development Facility that Cvdt...
2005-06-14 06:44:28
Caspervandertak Consulting signs contracts for the development of three large hydropower projects in Gansu, with a total annual emission reduction of 2 million tons of...
2005-06-01 06:45:21
Today Caspervandertak Consulting celebrated its first birthday. Since our establishment, we became profitable, managed to grow and place staff in Lanzhou (Gansu) and Ulaan Baatar (Mongolia). We...
2005-05-27 06:46:25
Caspervandertak Consulting is happy to be involved in the development of yet another windpark in China: The Helanshan windpark in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. This is a...
2005-04-21 06:48:29
Caspervandertak Consulting signs a contract with the Royal Danish Embassy to develop a CDM project facility in China. The purpose of the facility is to develop the Chinese capacity to write Project...
2005-04-17 06:49:35
Caspervandertak Consulting signs a Memorandum of Understanding with ENEL , the largest power producer in Italy, for the development of CDM projects in China.